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You’ve chosen your doctor and prepared for your breast augmentation surgery. If you’re getting breast implants near West Palm Beach, here are some things you should know about how to care for your new breasts post-surgery.

1. Recovery after breast impants in west palm bEach takes time.

Breast augmentation is an outpatient surgery where your recovery time will be spent in the comfort of your own home. Be sure to clear your commitments. Taking the time to heal is crucial for getting your best results. Most women take up to a week off from desk work. Plan to table your workouts, especially upper body and anything requiring lifting until you have your doctor’s approval at your post-op exam after four to six weeks. Make time for your body to heal, so your final results will be optimal.

2. Provide your breasts with the recommended support.

New breasts are exciting, and you’re probably eager to shop for new bras. During recovery time, it is important to follow your doctor’s recommendation for proper support. You may be asked to wear a certain kind of bra while your breasts are healing. Be sure to follow the guidelines to keep your breasts looking their best.

3. Post-surgery medications and incision care are essential.

Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication or antibiotics to assist you in healing. Be sure to follow your doctor’s directions and call with any questions. After surgery, you will be given instructions on how to care for your incisions. Swelling and redness are normal and improve during the course of your healing. There will also be follow up appointments to ensure you are healing optimally.

Remember, our office is here to support you during your recovery. If you are making the important decision about breast implants near West Palm Beach, please call skilled cosmetic surgeon, Dr. David Rosenstein at 561-736-9800 to schedule a consultation for breast augmentation.