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Ready to say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles with cosmetic injections in Delray Beach? Dermal fillers, Botox-alternative Dysport, and other injectables are a great way to achieve facial rejuvenation if you’re not ready for cosmetic surgery. If you’re considering lip fillers, cheek fillers, or any other injections, you’re likely wondering about your recovery period. So, can you exercise after treatment? Here’s what you should know.

Do I Have to Wait to Exercise After Cosmetic Injections in Delray Beach?

Yes, and no. After your session, you can resume most normal activities, as no downtime is required. However, you do need to avoid strenuous exercise for multiple reasons.

Exercise increases blood flow and your body temperature, which is not so great for treated areas that may experience more swelling, bruising, and / or other discomfort than necessary. Also, if you work up a sweat, it increases your risk for infection.

Vigorous exercise after injectables can cause you to metabolize the ingredients faster, which means your results may not last as long. So, for longer lasting results, keep moving but don’t overdo it.

What Else Do I Need to Know After Fillers or Dysport?

In order to achieve optimal results, be sure to not only get regular exercise but consume a healthy diet. Keep the site of your injection(s) clean, and follow a consistent skincare regimen. Also, hydrate to promote healthy cells.

You should avoid smoking, touching and applying makeup to the treatment area, and drinking alcohol to help achieve remarkable results.

Your injector will provide you with a list of post-treatment instructions after cosmetic injections in Delray Beach, so be sure to follow them to help minimize any effects such as swelling and to help your results last as long as possible

Outstanding Results From Cosmetic Injections Are Just a Phone Call Away!

Ready to turn back the hands of time with a non-surgical facelift? Contact us today at 561-736-9800 to book a consultation to see which treatments are right for you! We offer top brands including Dysport, Sculptra, Radiesse, and Restylane to provide truly amazing results you’ll love. There has never been a better time to rewind the clock than now, so call us today!