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Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is done to lift, reshape, and firm breasts. It’s an ideal option for patients who are unhappy with their breasts, which is typically due to aging, childbirth, or weight loss but could be for any number of reasons. To achieve optimal results, here is what you need to know about breast lift in Fort Lauderdale aftercare. 

What Is Recovery Like? What Do I Need to Know About Aftercare?

Before you go home, you’ll meet with your surgeon to discuss what to expect during recovery. This meeting will include instructions on caring for your drain and bandages, how to move and sleep, the type of bra you should wear during recovery, pain management, and what to do in case of an emergency. 

In most cases, breast lift surgery is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. You should arrange for someone to take you home.

Breast lift in Fort Lauderdale aftercare isn’t difficult, but you do need to be committed to following all post-breast lift instructions. In total, it takes between 6 to 12 weeks to recover. Here is a general breakdown of the timeline: 

Week one: You’ll be dressed with bandages and given a compression bra to wear. You might have surgical drains. You’ll likely notice a change in the shape of your breasts already. During week one recovery, you can expect some pain and discomfort. Take pain medication as prescribed. It is important to rest as much as possible during this time, but you also need to walk around every one to two hours to encourage blood flow. Your surgeon will let you know when to schedule a follow-up appointment to have bandages and drains removed. 

Weeks two to four: Your pain and soreness will start to subside during this time. Your incision sites should be almost healed. Strenuous activity still needs to be put on hold until after week four. You should not put unnecessary stress or pressure on your breast.

Weeks five to six: You should be able to stop wearing your compression bra during this time. It is possible you’ll be able to resume all normal activity after week six, but remember to follow the guidance of your surgeon. Also, listen to your body. During weeks five to six, your pain and swelling will have mostly subsided and your scars will begin to flatten. 

To Learn More About Breast Lift in Fort Lauderdale Aftercare, Contact the Office of Dr. David Rosenstein Today!

Are you ready to find out if a breast lift is right for you? Do you have questions about recovery and aftercare? If so, give us a call at 561-736-9800 to book your consultation with Dr. Rosenstein, and be on your way to  more confident you!