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Tired of stubborn chin fat that won’t go away? Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to improve your profile when it comes to diet and exercise. However, there is an innovative cosmetic injectable that has won a lot of praise for its ability to melt away fat under the chin while often tightening skin in the area, Kybella.® It is the ONLY injectable treatment for submental fullness (chin fat) approved by the FDA. And it’s an excellent alternative to invasive liposuction. Here’s more about Kybella in Palm Beach.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable containing a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in the body to destroy and absorb fat cells. Kybella eliminates the appearance of a double chin after being injected into subcutaneous fat under the neck.  It is non-invasive and non-surgical, with minimal side effects.

Nearly anyone with submental fullness that wants to improve their appearance and self-esteem is a great candidate for Kybella, though it’s best to talk to your doctor to see if it is right for you. Full results take about four to six weeks as the natural fat cell elimination process and healing complete, though you may notice improvement in your appearance sooner. You may need multiple injections to reach your ideal look.

How long do results last?

Kybella results are PERMANENT! Once your fat cells have been destroyed, they are gone for good. Your new chin appearance is here to stay. After injections, you may notice temporary swelling and bruising. However, these side effects typically go away after a few days.

Where can I get Kybella in Palm Beach?

If you’re ready to get the results you can’t get from anything other than Kybella injection, see Dr. David Rosenstein near Palm Beach. Dr. Rosenstein offers a comprehensive selection of cosmetic services from Kybella injections to plastic surgery, including  breast lifts, tummy tucks, and Mommy makeovers. Our goal is to help you look your absolute best from head to toe, so you can be confident and comfortable in your own skin. Learn more about Kybella by calling us today at 561-736-9800.