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Author page: rosenstein

The First Week After Breast Augmentation Surgery

The First Week After Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are a few sensations and side effects you will probably notice in the first week after your breast augmentation surgery. These feelings are perfectly normal. If you have further concerns, however, then feel to call your plastic surgeon located in Boca Raton for further instructions. Tightness You are likely to feel tightness around your chest for the next…

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Link Between Sun Exposure and Premature Aging

Link Between Sun Exposure and Premature Aging

In recent years, the damaging effects of sun bathing and exposure have been found to cause skin cancer. Now, these same effects have also been found to cause premature aging, causing many men and women to invest in injectables like Restylane and chemical peels near Boca Raton. As seen in this video, wrinkles are not necessarily a sign of simply…

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella?

Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella?

There are many skin injectables near Delray Beach, and they all address different cosmetic concerns or areas of the body. Injectables such as Restylane, Dysport, and Kybella are all exceptional tools for the areas they treat. What exactly does Kybella do, though, and who is the right candidate for this FDA-approved skin injectable? Kybella is a minimally-invasive response to liposuction…

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