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Tired of looking in the mirror at your double chin? Unfortunately, there aren’t home remedies such as skin creams or exercises you can do to make it go away. Enter KYBELLA in West Palm Beach, an injectable cosmetic treatment to melt away fat cells under the chin. 


KYBELLA(R) is the only FDA-approved procedure to treat submental fullness, or fat under the chin. This type of cosmetic injection utilizes the active ingredient synthetic deoxycholic acid. To melt away fat cells, It is injected into the skin beneath the chin. This process reduces the appearance of your double chin to leave you with a well-defined look. 


When considering KYBELLA in West Palm Beach, it is important to talk with a healthcare specialist such as Dr. Rosenstein. He will do an examination to determine the appropriate course of action based on the amount of fat under your chin and the look you wish to accomplish.  Your specialist will determine the amount of treatments needed, which may be several sessions, though you may get ideal results after just one. 

Each session takes only about 15 to 20 minutes, and you will receive multiple small injections, depending on the amount of fat and your aesthetic goal. There is virtually no downtime associated with KYBELLA, so you can resume normal activities immediately after your injection. Results typically take four to six weeks after injection. Sessions are spaced at least one month apart. 

There are a few common side effects associated with KYBELLA including swelling, redness, numbness, hardness in areas of treatment, and pain, though they typically only last about a week .


If you choose to receive KYBELLA in Palm Beach, there are a few things your doctor should know. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are prone to bleeding or taking blood thinners, as KYBELLA is an injection treatment. Also, let your doctor know if you have or had recent surgery or cosmetic treatments on the face, neck or chin, as well as medical conditions in or near the neck area, or trouble swallowing. Pregnant women should not receive KYBELLA injections. It is not known whether KYBELLA transfers through breast milk, so inform your doctor if you are breast feeding. 

To improve your overall appearance due to submental fullness with cosmetic injections,  call Dr. Rosenstein for KYBELLA in West Palm Beach.