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Tired of coming up with clever ways to hide your thinning hair? Whether you’ve tried hair toppers, volumizers, or hair regrowth shampoos such as Rogaine, chances are nothing has been as successful as you’d like. And you’re not alone. About 85 percent of men and 50 percent of women will experience significant hair thinning by the age of 50.

To solve thinning hair, more people are turning to permanent hair restoration solutions such as hair transplants. While up to 85 percent of hair transplant patients are men, the number of women receiving hair transplants has been steadily rising.

There are two different transplantation methods which have replaced the outdated hair plug method, including follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). We believe the most advanced, safe, effective hair restoration available today is an FUE procedure called NeoGraft, which is why Dr. Rosenstein offers it here in our office. 

What Makes NeoGraft Unique Compared to Hair Plugs?

NeoGraft offers many advantages over noticeable hair plugs, which fell out of favor in the 1990s for good reason. With NeoGraft, hair follicles are extracted individually from the donor site, and it doesn’t require tissue removal as plugs do. 

We highly recommend NeoGraft because:

  • Hair can be cut, styled, and / or colored however you prefer, giving you greater flexibility.
  • Implantation method is no-touch.
  • It doesn’t require strip harvesting and leaves no scarring.
  • It’s performed as an outpatient procedure and requires no anesthesia.
  • Regrowth looks 100 percent natural and seamlessly blends in.
  • The procedure is minimally invasive.
  • The scalp remains intact.

Who Is a Good Candidate for NeoGraft?

Nearly anyone who wants to restore natural hair growth without major surgery, scarring, or going under anesthesia is a great candidate for NeoGraft, as long as you are an adult and haven’t experienced full hair loss. People with thick hair and / or curly hair make the best candidates. Unfortunately, those who suffer from diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA) or other conditions that causes hair loss across the whole scalp will not benefit from NeoGraft.

For Safe, Natural Looking Hair Restoration With Quick Recovery, Ask for NeoGraft Today

Stop trying to solve baldness or thinning hair with shampoos or other methods that just don’t work. With FDA-approved NeoGraft, you can trust that your hair restoration is done as safely as possible and that you will receive the outcome you desire – a gorgeous, natural head of hair. In as little as three days, you may resume normal activity. In just seven to ten days, hair in the donor area will have regrown enough to cover the site, making it undetectable. For NeoGraft hair transplant surgery in Boynton Beach, call Dr. Rosenstein today at 561-736-9800.